august 10 1995 - august 25 1995 |
August 10 1995
Today is warm. I told Jeremy about the big man. Jeremy told the other kids at lunch and they made fun of me. I am not friends with Jeremy anymore.
August 19 1995
No one wants to be my friend. They think I am weird. The sychologist is mean. I think I am the only one who can see the man. I think i am broken inside.
August 21 1995
I made a new friend today. He is named Kevin. His skin is dark and knows alot of jokes. I like him more than Jeremy. He didnt tease me or anything like the others. He told me he is teased too but I will not tell him about the big man because he mite make fun of me.
August 25 1995
Kevin sits next to me in Lunch every day. Pizza day is the best. He does not have many friends
august 25 1995 - september 9 1995 |
like me. I think it is because he reads comics alot. I hurt my knee at recess today. I wish everyday was pizza day.
September 4 1995
No school today because it is Laber Day. Miss
Robinson gave us three pages of home work. I am so mad! I do not like
home work! I called Kevin and he said that I can sleep over this weekend.
I am so excited!
September 8 1995
Im at Kevins house!
Mommy didnt want me to go but I lied and said that we have to work
together on homework. We played Spyro* and drew pictures. Kevin is my
best friend.
September 9 1995
My birthday is in a week. I
am going to turn seven years old. I want a party but Mommy does not
have enouf money so we cant afford one. I watched TV with Kevin all day
and now my head hurts.
*spyro the dragon was released for the playstation on september 9 1998 - three years after this entry. how the hell did they play the game three years early?